Certora's Own, Adele Access!

In case you haven’t already heard of her success, Certora's Access Training Manager, Adele Coupe, is taking the access industry by storm this year.

Following success in the elections, Adele was appointed as the newest member of the PASMA training committee after the annual conference. A team of experts form the committee and work towards promoting research, innovative training and best practice in order to maximise safety for those using mobile towers.

And if that wasn’t enough, Adele was also successfully elected to join the specialist IPAF Training committee. Described by IPAF as the ‘custodian’ of their training scheme, the committee works to review course content, training centres and material for the access sector every 3 months.

With 18 years of experience and extensive, in-depth knowledge of the access industry, Adele will be a great asset to both training committees, helping to raise awareness of the importance of safety and training throughout the sectors. Congratulations, Adele!

For more information on the access industry training and support we offer, call us on 01246 386900.

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