New Rules for Inspecting and Testing Workplace Equipment

During this challenging time, reduced staff numbers and a lockdown of the country has seen a large number of equipment testing schedules delayed and/or unable to go ahead. After increasing concerns about how to renew or extend expiring LOLER certificates with limitations to staff numbers and business closures, IPAF and partner organisations have lobbied the Health and Safety Executive to provide further guidance.

The HSE still reiterates the importance of maintaining thorough examination and testing, however it outlines new recommendations for maintaining safe use such as enhanced and regular inspection and maintenance by a qualified person until the certificate can be officially renewed and an extension in the original timeframe of the LOLER expiry where requirements cannot be met.

The updated key principles and measures set out by the HSE allow each business to continue to carry out essential working requirements safely, whilst providing additional advice for duty holders and inspectors. However, it is crucial to demonstrate that all reasonable attempts have been made to meet the expiry deadline where possible and you have thoroughly assessed the increased risks and taken the appropriate action.

Updated guidance from IPAF

IPAF has also published a specific Covid-19 Guidance For Thorough Examination on how to meet inspection and examination requirements with coronavirus restrictions in place along with a stringent pre-use inspection checklist.

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