Providing an Adaptable Route to Gaining Your MPQC Qualification

We have recently altered our service offering in order to provide a new electronic portfolio system as a way of efficiently monitoring all candidate progression. Certora are delighted to be able to offer this service across all businesses from March 2020.

Working with many organisations for a large number of years within the quarrying and extractives industry, Certora understand more than anyone how storing and referring to a mass amount of paperwork can be in-efficient and timely specifically in an environment where the documents cannot be easily accessed. Analysing this method, it was decided that it was time to progress the service and provide an approach that would be a smooth and modernised way of learning.

Rich Billing, Qualifications Operations Manager explains:
“I have worked in the extractives and mineral processing industry for over 27 years and been an MPQC approved assessor in many environments from blasting quarries to road building for over 15 years. It was clear that when I joined the Certora team, there was an opportunity to evolve our services and provide a more efficient and effective programme to our candidates. I look forward to working with our customers and building upon this service”.

The new portfolio system is available for all MPQC qualifications from L2 to L7 as a way to provide true visibility of the candidate’s progression throughout their journey with Certora, allowing them to upload evidence easily and match it to the current MPQC standards.

Managers and supervisors will be able to see their candidate’s progression against their expected completion date and view assessor visits and schedules so they can further support their employees on their route to competence and view any required information at the touch of a button.

Whether you are looking to arrange a Level 2 Mobile Plant qualification, a Level 3 Plant Maintenance qualifications or a Level 7 Safety, Health and Environmental qualification, this service is available to all.

To find out more about the Quarrying and Extractives training and qualifications that Certora can offer, why not get in touch with our training team who can enrol you on your journey today - 01246 386900.

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