Stay Safe at Active, Non-Active and Disused Quarry Sites

As we get closer to another half term holiday, the Mineral Products Association (MPA) are raising awareness of hazards and risks associated with active, non-active and disused quarry sites.

Managers responsible for both active and disused quarries have been encouraged to review their public safety risk assessments and check that their mitigation measures such as fencing and warning signs are in place.

In addition to safety measures, it’s important to raise awareness of what the public should do if a water-based emergency arises.

The ‘Respect The Water’ campaign involves multiple organisations, including RNLI, RLSS, Fire and Rescue Service, MPA and many more. Focusing mainly on inland areas such as canals, rivers, reservoirs and quarry lakes, the campaign shares key messages such as ‘Call, Tell, Throw’ and ‘Float to Live’. These messages equip people with the knowledge of what to do if yourself, or someone else gets into difficulty whilst in the water.

Head to the MPA website to download many helpful resources to keep people safe around inland water.

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