Updates for IPAF PAL Cards go Digital
From 24 May 2021, all candidates who successfully complete their IPAF training will receive their license, logbook, and safety guide digitally through the IPAF app straight to their phone rather than receiving a physical version as previously issued.
How will this affect those completing training?
All IPAF documents including their licence will be accessible through ePAL which is free to download on all IOS and android devices. IPAF require all individuals attending an IPAF course to download the ePAL App prior to the training course. They will then be presented with a unique ID number. This number and the individuals email address must be passed to the instructor delivering the training at the time of the course.
What are the benefits to using ePAL?
IPAF believes that ePAL is a convenient way for operators and their employers to store their licenses and qualifications, allowing the practical experience to be easily shared from the operators’ phone.
ePAL cards are also fraud smart and benefit from the extra security provided through the systems log-in portal. The portal also provides operators with access to the latest safety information and best practice in the workplace.
If you have any questions about ePAL or to talk to our team about the IPAF training we deliver, please get in touch today.