How often do I need to provide refresher training?

Even well-trained and experienced operators need routine monitoring, and, where necessary, retesting or refresher training to combat complacency and ensure they continue to operate equipment safely.

What the definitive guide says:
To find out more about forklift training frequency, we refer to the only equipment specific Approved Code of Practice L117, the HSE’s ‘definitive guide’ to forklift operator training and safe use. It states:

“There is no specific time period after which you need to provide refresher training or formal assessment. However, you may decide that automatic refresher training or a retest after a set period (for example 3-5 years) is the best way to make sure your employees remain competent. Where you adopt this approach, you will still need to monitor performance in case operators need extra training before the set period ends.”

As this is guidance and not law, some misinterpret refresher training (intentionally or unintentionally) as unnecessary. But, it absolutely is and neglecting this fact could come at a heavy cost to your operation’s safety, compliance and productivity and whilst the L117 is specifically targeted at the use of fork lift trucks, this guidance should be replicated for other items of operational site equipment. Many of the accrediting bodies will detail an expiry date on their cards and certification, but what about those items of equipment that aren’t governed by a set standard?

Why refresher training is important?
Regular refresher training nips bad habits (and the costly accidents that follow) in the bud and ensures operators:

  • Maintain good operational habits
  • Learn new skills
  • Reassess their knowledge, understanding and attitude
  • Ensure operators are aware of the latest best practice guidance

Determining your risk
To be truly effective, your refresher training policy should be based on a detailed assessment of your specific operation – including your processes and equipment, how and where it’s used, by whom and the associated risks. You may have accredited certification that states an expiry date of 5 years but due to several considered factors you may find that refresher training for your business should be conducted sooner.

Refresher training is a key part of your overall training programme and your commitment to workforce competence.

Certora offer a complete range of AITT accredited Forklift Training courses. For further information and support get in touch with our training advisors today.

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