Certora's Level 2 Mineral Processing Mobile and Static Plant apprenticeship is supporting the industry in the development and introduction of a new…
If it is possible and practicable to do so, why do employers still not comply to health and safety standards and lower the number of accidents that…
Do you complete maintenance activities or move heavy loads on your site? Are you a utility or building products company looking to train your…
Equipment operators are commonly required to complete the same or similar tasks continuously. Repetition of tasks like this can create complacency…
Is your site operating under an Environmental Agency (EA) permit? Did you know that you are required to employ a Technically Competent Manager and…
Even well-trained and experienced operators need routine monitoring, and, where necessary, retesting or refresher training to combat complacency and…
Industrial and commercial waste systems flow a continuous stream of material with the productivity and efficiency of a site relying heavily on the…
IPAF and Certora understand that not all candidates will be fluent in the language used by the instructor and the test papers involved. Training…
In case you haven’t already heard of her success, Certora's Access Training Manager, Adele Coupe, is taking the access industry by storm this…